International Exchange Program (RYEP)

Program duration
Beginning with 2013
Program status
Annually recurring
Program responsible

The aim of the Rotary Youth Exchange Program (RYEP) is for young people from different countries of the world to get to know each other, the life, language and culture of other countries and continents.

Selected and coached young people who have not yet completed their secondary education can travel to RYEP participating countries for one academic year (Long Term Exchange Program) or for one to three months (Short Term Exchange Program).

The program is supervised by the world’s largest, non-governmental NGO, Rotary International, which is respected everywhere and helps solve any problems.

The Rotary International Student Exchange Program is neither a language school nor a travel agency.

Since the aim of the programme is not to promote individual advancement, but to get to know different, unknown countries, the destination country is always determined by the committee responsible for student exchanges.

The Rotary Club undertakes to organize preparatory courses for students and parents in Odorheiu Secuiesc.

Since then we have sent and received exchange students every year:

School year
We welcomed
We sent
1 girl from Ecuador
1 girl to the USA
1 girl to Switzerland
1 girl from the USA
1 girl to the USA
1 boy from the USA
1 boy to the USA
2 girls from the USA
1 boy to the USA
1 boy to Taiwan
1 girl from Brazil
1 girl from Mexico
3 girls to the USA
1 boy from Taiwan
1 boy from Brazil
1 girl to the USA
1 boy from Taiwan
1 girl to Argentina
The program was cancelled
due to the COVID-19 pandemic
The program was cancelled
due to the COVID-19 pandemic
1 boy from Brazil
1 boy to the Netherlands
Sântimbru street no. 18/C,
535600 Odorheiu Secuiesc
Harghita county
© 2024 Rotary Club Odorheiu Secuiesc